Gillette Amputation Lawyers
Legal Representation If You Lost a Limb in a Gillette Accident
Losing an arm or a leg, or even a finger, can impact nearly every part of your life, from the kind of work you can do to the hobbies you can participate in. To make matters worse, amputations are a costly injury that can lead to surgeries, a lengthy recovery time, and expensive prosthetics.
If you lost a limb due to another person’s negligence, we want to make sure you receive the compensation you are entitled to under Wyoming law. Don’t leave it to worker’s comp, or an insurance company more interested in saving money than doing what’s right. At Steven Titus & Associates, P.C., our Gillette personal injury attorneys have plenty of experience dealing with big companies that would rather shirk their responsibility. Call us today at (307) 257-7800 to learn more about your rights if you have suffered the loss of a limb.
What Is a Traumatic Amputation?
Medically speaking, a traumatic amputation is defined as the accidental severing of a part of the body. This might involve a leg, arm, foot, toe, or finger. There are two different types of traumatic amputations. In a partial amputation, the limb is still partially attached to the body by some tissue, muscle, or bone. If the amputation is complete, the limb has been completely torn from the rest of the body.
Amputations happen more often than people might think. The Amputee Coalition reports there are almost 2 million people nationwide living with limb loss today: 45% of them as a result of traumatic injuries. There are about 185,000 new amputations every year, and the annual medical costs of hospitalization exceed 8 billion.
What Types of Accidents Can Result in Amputation?
The most common cause of amputations in Wyoming is a car wreck. A person’s arms or legs can be crushed in the front seat as the car collapses. But victims aren’t always in the car. Many times, pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists are hit by a vehicle and suffer traumatic amputation.
People are also at risk from many different types of jobs. If you work in place with heavy machinery, cutting tools, or other dangerous equipment, your risk of an amputation is much higher. Workplace accidents can happen when there aren’t safety measures in place or when the company fails to follow the safety measures. High-risk jobs include construction worker, machinist, factory worker, mover, carpenter, and even electrician.
Ring traction is when a ring, like a wedding ring, gets caught on something as a person is moving quickly, often during a slip-and-fall, and it pulls the finger loose from the hand. In the worst cases, the finger can’t be reattached. Burn victims may also have a body part surgically removed, if it has been severely burned. Accidents involving firearms, explosives, defective products, electrical devices, and farm equipment can all result in a traumatic amputation. Not every amputation happens during the accident itself. If a doctor decides that a limb needs to be amputated because of an accident, it is still considered a traumatic amputation if they remove it in surgery.
When Is an Amputation Someone Else’s Fault?
If negligence caused the accident that made you lose a limb, you should be entitled to full compensation. At Steven Titus & Associates, P.C., we help Campbell County residents get the support they need to move on with their lives. Our job is to make sure you can concentrate on what’s really important - achieving the best quality of life moving forward. Call one of our compassionate Gillette amputation injury lawyers today at (307) 257-7800 to schedule a free evaluation.
Additional Information
- Limb Loss - MedlinePlus
- OSHA Fact Sheet on Amputations
- Amputation: Prosthetic Hand And Fingers - ASSH

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