Stacy Lara
Lead Personal Injury Paralegal

Stacy was born and raised in Northeastern Wyoming. In addition to being a certified peace officer, Stacy has worked as a legal assistant for the past 10 years, specializing in domestic relations, family violence, child custody, and personal injury. Over Stacy’s ten years, she has assisted with hundreds of cases to work towards amicable settlements. She’s also spent many hours in the courtroom preparing clients, attorneys, and the case for trials.
Throughout her years as a legal assistant, Stacy has always provided a strong work ethic, compassionate perspective, and listening ear to clients. She strives to do her best no matter how big or small the case or task. Stacy’s always up to learning something new — but her number one goal is to help ease the stress of the clients throughout their time of need. That’s why she’s always seeking to solve a problem to help our clients.
When she is not at work, Stacy loves spending time with her husband, five children, and five grandchildren. Her hobbies include working out, traveling, camping, side-by-side driving, and riding motorcycles.

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