Home Game and Fishing Violations Carcass Disposal Violation
Gillette Carcass Disposal Violation Lawyers

Gillette Carcass Disposal Violation Attorney

Regulations for Carcass Disposal and Penalties for Violations in Wyoming

When you hunt big game in Wyoming, there are rules about how you can transport and dispose of a carcass. One reason for these rules is to help reduce the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD). This serious big game disease is found in deer, elk, and moose populations in Wyoming and other states. CWD damages portions of the animal’s brain, causing behavioral changes, excessive salivation, loss of body condition, and, ultimately, death of the animal.

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What Are the Rules for Disposing of a Big Game Carcass?

If your hunt is successful, it is important to handle the carcass in accordance with state hunting regulations. You can leave the carcass at the site of the kill, provided you take away with you:

  • All edible portions of meat
  • Parts required for evidence of the animal’s species or sex

If you remove the entire animal from the field for processing, you must be sure to dispose of the remaining carcass in an approved Wyoming landfill. It is legal to transport carcasses within the state when they are being taken to a camp, a processor, a private residence, a taxidermist, or a CWD sample collection site. The head and all portions of the animal’s spinal column must either remain at the site of the kill or be disposed of in an approved landfill or incinerator. You may be required to submit a mandatory CWD sample if you hunt in a designated area.

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Which Items Can Be Transported from the Site of a Kill Outside of Wyoming?

There are strict regulations about what parts of a deer, elk, or moose can or cannot be transported outside the state. Hunters can only transport the following items outside of Wyoming:

  • Boned meat
  • Cut and wrapped meat
  • Quarters or pieces of game animals with no portion of the spinal column or head attached
  • Cleaned skull plates with antlers attached
  • Antlers with no brain tissue or meat attached
  • Cleaned hides without heads
  • Teeth

The head, spine, and other tissue of the animal’s nervous system must be left at the kill site or disposed of in an approved landfill.

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How Can a Hunter Face a Wasteful Disposal Charge?

It is a violation of state law to needlessly or intentionally allow game to go to waste under Title 23. If you kill a big game animal that is reasonably accessible, the law requires you to take the carcass to your camp and properly dress and care for it within 48 hours. It is against state law to abandon meat from a big game animal at a meat processing plant. Among other penalties, the processor has the right to sell the meat and keep the proceeds.

It is illegal to dump big game carcasses along roadsides and in other public areas. This is particularly frowned on when edible portions of meat are left on the carcass to rot. This violates state carcass transport and disposal regulations designed to slow the spread of CWD.

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What Are the Penalties for Hunting Regulation Violations in Wyoming?

Penalties for hunting regulation violations in Wyoming will depend on the severity of the charge. Possible penalties include fines, imprisonment, revocation of your current hunting license, and suspension of your right to have a hunting license for several years. The court may order you to pay restitution to the state for the value of the wildlife.

If you are facing a wasteful disposal or other hunting regulations violation charge, don’t go through it alone. Contact Steven Titus & Associates, P.C. at (307) 257-7800 to schedule a free case strategy session with a Gillette criminal defense lawyer. We are always available to our clients and have a history of success in the courtroom.

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