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Steven Titus & Associates, P.C. Chooses 4 Scholarship Finalists

By Steven Titus & Associates, P.C. on August 22, 2018

Our Find Your Path 2018 scholarship has gotten a lot of love from aspiring college students all over the United States. In all, we received over six hundred applications before we closed the scholarship on August 8, 2018.


We’re impressed, and not just with the number of responses. Our team has been reading through all the short introductions and essays, and many of our applicants come across as tough, resourceful, and generous with their time and community. If these people choose to come out swinging with a college degree in hand, watch out, World. You may be changed for the better.

Here are the four students whose applications spoke to us personally, whom we are proud to call our finalists:

  • Andrew Raney
  • Emily Blaney
  • Kiara Sims
  • Yasmine Donner

We haven’t been able to decide yet which finalist should take the $500 prize, but rest assured, any one of them would deserve it. In fact, we almost wish we could give out thousands more dollars…but there’s always next year.

To everyone else who applied to our Find Your Path scholarship this year, please try again next year! We offer this money towards your post-secondary education, wherever you choose to go. Reading through these essays, we saw many strong candidates. Who knows? Maybe 2019 will be your year.

In the meantime, be sure to check back on our blog and Facebook page to see who wins it on September 12th! Good luck, everyone!

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