Nursing Home Abuse | Blogs by Steven Titus & Associates, P.C.
The Effects of Chemical Restraint Abuse in Nursing Homes
Nursing home patients are extremely vulnerable. That’s why these facilities are strictly regulated by state and federal laws in Wyoming. It’s illegal for nursing homes to use powerful medications as chemical restraints to punish patients or to make them more subdued and easier to manage.
The Use of Gait Belts in Nursing Homes and How Falls Occur
As people age, they may experience a decline in their physical abilities, such as strength, flexibility, and coordination. A range of conditions, including arthritis, inner ear problems, and side effects from some medications, can cause this deterioration. Unfortunately, this decline may lead to a loss of balance, which can result in harmful and even life-threatening falls.
Hidden Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse is so horrifying that it’s difficult to even contemplate. The people we trust to take care of our elders should be compassionate and full of concern for their well-being.
Sadly, nursing home abuse is much more prevalent than people realize. There are a lot of employees working in these places who abuse their authority and take advantage of the most vulnerable among us.
The Frightening Commonplace of Bedsores
Taking care of our families as they age is the responsibility of every generation. Our parents who raised us, our uncles and aunts, and any loved ones who are no longer able to care for themselves become a priority for us, and we want to ensure that they receive the care and support that they deserve.
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